TS Police Support League Helps GCEMS Again

KNOXVILLE, AL: TS Police Support League, Inc President Sheila Smith presented a check for $25,000.00 to Greene County Emergency Medical Services (GEMS) Director Christopher Jones at the new Palace Live Bingo facility today.  This donation is made in honor of former TSPSLI Board Member Nicholas Wilson, who previously served as Director of GEMS.  The funds will be used to purchase a new All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) that will be used by GEMS for hunting and other outdoor-related emergency situations.  Greene County’s rural nature make such an emergency vehicle especially important.  TS Police Support League Secretary/ Treasurer Billy McFarland stated, “Thanks to Sheriff Jonathan “Joe” Benison for the opportunity to serve greater Greene County.  Without Amendment 743 and Electronic Bingo, such opportunities to help the community would evaporate overnight.”