On Thursday, December 22, TS Police Support League (www.greenecountylawenforcement.org) distributed forty (40) $500 gift cards to Greene County families and senior citizens in need, including the sixteen (16) families who lost their home recently due to the destruction of Sagewood Apartments by a tornado. In addition, the league/ Palace Live presented a $10,000.00 Christmas donation to the Guadeloupian Missionary Sisters to support their work among the needy in the community from the Palace Live Charity Bingo. League President Sheila Hann Smith stated, “Since our founding in 2013, we have worked hard to uplift the people of Greene County. This Christmas, we are once again serving those in need.” TS Police Support League Secretary/ Treasurer J. W. McFarland said, “Charity bingo through Constitutional Amendment 743 allows for these gifts. Merry Christmas and remember the real reason for the season!”